2011. szeptember 17., szombat

19th Amateur Radio Meeting in Debrecen 2011 september 16-17-18.

Some pics of meeting:

HA 0 NJ op: Jenő from Balmazújváros

The center of the picture: HA 0 UC op: Imre from Debrecen

The Anico Ltd. stand

HA 0 NBA op: Attila from Debrecen

HG 8 LXL op: Laci from Csongrad. He is the master of APRS :)
HG 9 AR op: Andris from Miskolc.
(His high forehead) He is the master of repeaters :)

HA 9 OC op: Sándor from Tiszújváros

HG 7 BUS (sunglasses) op: Jani from (Uh-oh, I do not know from, sorry) :)

HG 7 BUS and I (hairy-faced) :)
HG 7 JUQ op: Laci, he is a doctor of Yaesu radios

2009. június 27., szombat


2009.06.06.25 10:13UTC I3MEK Mario Mode: JT65B
My output power: 60W QRB: 804Km
Mni tnx nice QSO Mario!!

My first E-Sporadic QSO

2009.06.17 15:56UTC 144.300 9H1FL (Malta) Report is: 599
My output power 60W, QRB: 1438km.

2009. június 5., péntek

FT290R-II Extended MS

There is a little work yet with him, but ready. The three switches are the changes in the middle. From the first left the loudspeaker switch, the second the PA cooler switch, the third the power-supply unit cooler switch.

HG7JUV radiant map

I prepared the radiant map of my station. 25W power and 6 metre antenna reckoning with an altitude with horizontal polarisation. My station above the sea level 145m. Can be seen, that only cca. 2-300km that distance where one which can be taken yet hear without propagation.
I modeled it different antenna with altitudes, (10-30m) but I did not experience a considerable difference.

2009. június 2., kedd

HG160FNY Tour 2nd part.

The amateurs using the special callsigns leave onto two days tours again, now into the Western part of the country.
Date: 06.13 - 06.14 sunday and saturday.
Callsigns: HA160KA, HG160BW, HG160JUV, HG160FNY primary callsign with variable operators.
QTH: HA2R Contest Station, Hajag Hill JN87UE 640m ASL
Bands: 2m FM and SSB, 70cm FM and SSB, if he is onto him opportunity then on HF.

The last tour pics: click here (Java requied)

QSO's of what I am proud

There connection with some great distances with meteor scatter:

05.02.2009 G4ZFJ JO01JN
05.04.2009 G6HIE IO90ST
05.10.2009 G4DEZ JO03AE

Tnx guys!